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Land(e)scape is a solo gallery / studio based performance that invites you, the audience member, to share a journey through different mindscapes and emotions. You will be invited to close your eyes, lie down, reposition or walk in the space in order to experience parts of the performance. You are free to decide to which extent you would like to follow these directions. At the end of the performance, you are invited to draw or write about your experience and explore drawings made by the performer.


Land(e)scape  uses movement, text, sound and the relationship between performer and audience, to tell a story of someone displaced and trapped in a foreign land, who embarks on a journey back home.  The work renders 'home' as a state of being, a feeling of belonging and being at peace with oneself; a state which is difficult to reach and requires a physical and spiritual journey in search of it.


The performance draws inspiration from personal experiences, of physically navigating the open space, the work by land artist Richard Long and Frederic Gros'  'A Philosophy of Walking'.

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Performance/ Concept / Choreography: Konstantina Skalionta


Supervision: Lauren Potter

Dramaturgy during residency at NN Contemporary: Tia Asteropi Hatzinikola.


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International centre for choreography Dance4

NN Contemporary Gallery

Egomio Cultural Centre

Dance House Lemesos.


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- OH Creative Space in London in June 2019.

- Dance4, as part of UK Young Artists Nottingham Take Over in November 2019.

- the London Contemporary Dance School, as part of the MA Practice as Research in December 2018.

- Emerge Festival 2016 (The Space Arts Centre) as a work in progress duet with dancer Alice Laidler in November 2016.




    'A cathartic experience.'         

'A moving performance'     

'Intense, atmospheric, surprising.'

'Meditative and inviting.' (Dec 2017)


'I liked allowing myself to be told what to do, how to move and when. I felt a sense of struggle and determination to carry on - I followed like a reluctant teenager at first, not wanting to obey orders - but then I wanted to join in! It made me think of mountainous landscapes, cold, dark, only the noise of the howling wind- and the need to carry on, not to give in to it until a safe place was found! Fascinating!' (Feb 2019)


'I enjoyed participating and the atmosphere created! I felt the sense of teamwork during a very difficult period.' (Feb 2019)


'Very empowering sense of participation, giving a sense of struggle but also strangely calming.'  (Feb 2019)


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